Friday, November 30, 2007
PEACEWORK release - a lot of fun!
Phillip Shaw Bova
Scott Arena
Philip Victor Bova
Maren Molthan
PEACEWORK - all together now!
Tanya Barkhouse
Peter Woods
Phillip Shaw Bova
Scott Arena
Philip Victor Bova
Maren Molthan
Eric Hasnick (hiding)
Gale Edmunds
Tanya Barkhouse
Gale Edmunds
all photos by Gord Glaze ( - he went home to get the camera and shot tons of fantastic photos, thanx so much, Gord!!!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Canada under fire for flouting federal global warming law
The application was filed on behalf of Friends of the Earth Canada by Chris Paliare of the firm Paliare Roland Barristers and Ecojustice (formerly Sierra Legal). The application alleges that the federal Minister of the Environment and the Governor in Council, consisting of federal cabinet ministers, are ignoring the rule of law by failing to comply with yet another requirement of the KPIA.
The federal government was legally required to publish draft regulations by October 20, 2007 that would enable Canada to meet the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol. By failing to do so, it is out of compliance with the KPIA, thus triggering the second legal challenge.
"This new application, while relevant to climate change, is all about holding the Government of Canada accountable under Canadian law," says lawyer Chris Paliare. "Despite a clear requirement to publish draft regulations, no action whatsoever has been taken. Once again, we are simply asking the court to require the government to comply with its legal obligations."
"Missing this deadline demonstrates that Canada continues to be missing in action on global warming," says Ecojustice lawyer Hugh Wilkins. "We cannot sit idly by while the government drags its feet and flouts our laws. The government must be held accountable to the will of the Canadian people and the will of Parliament."
"The Canadian Government is ignoring its obligation to uphold its own laws, while seeking to undermine global negotiations on the defining issue of our lives," says Friends of the Earth Canada Chief Executive Officer Beatrice Olivastri. "Canadians must insist on enforcement of the KPIA, our domestic law, so that we lead by action, rather than bullying other nations."
For more information, please download the application at
Friday, November 16, 2007
PEACEWORK - choices: program details
By the way, this exact diy cd booklet took me about ten minutes to make (it all starts with an empty Kleenex Box, but I hope to have a movie on myspace soon ?)) - wonder what the exact definition of that word is).
I donated it to CASE, and I know for a fact that one of our fans bid $ 50 on it during their fundraiser last week on Saturday 10th - he confirmed now that the organizers notified him, that he was the winning guy.
Anyway, everybody who followed our invitation, thank you very much for your involvement and donations - what a magic night we had - no greater feeling than people coming together and celebrating within the same spirit - I know you won't let us down tomorrow! PEACE!
PEACEWORK cd release "choices"
SAT NOV 17th
baldachin inn ballroom (
111 st lawrence @ main
613 269 4223
approximate program:
8 pm doors open
"12strings2bodies" - the acoustic set
"live saver" - co2-neutral diy cd packaging and why we still want the whole bakery
"choices" - the full band set
complete line-up:
lead and back vocals, rhythm and lead guitar: Maren Molthan & Scott Arena
bass, backvocals: Phillip Victor Bova (bova sound)
drums: Philip Shaw Bova (Hilotrons)
keyboard: Erik Hasnick (Jimi Knox And The Group)
saxophone: Peter Woods (jazz duo with Brian Browne)
back vocals: Gayle Edmunds and Tanya Barkhouse (Uncommon Ground)
Saturday, November 3, 2007
PEACEWORK: Independent soul formation releases debut CD in Merrickville
Press release:
PEACEWORK: Independent soul formation releases debut CD in Merrickville
SAT 17th November 2007
doors open 8 pm
baldachin inn ballroom (
111 st lawrence @ main
613 269 4223
tickets @ harry mclean's pub (same address) or from the band $ 20 includes admission and cd at door
There are ten songs on the album "choices" - containing brand new material, Scott points out: "Just To Be With You" is a song that I wrote for Maren, when we were visiting her family in Germany earlier this year. It was awesome to present it only three days later on a huge Berlin outdoor stage where one of her friends put us up to play for the Green Party on a worker's day celebration (bits and pieces of that experience soon on myspace). There were easily 10 000 people
PEACEWORK Marianenplatz, Berlin, Germany
gathering - it is then when you realize that people can make a difference every day, with your choices where to shop, how to travel or commute, how to work, what to eat - everything is connected. And that is how we got our band motto, every step counts!"
Maren Molthan and Scott Arena founded the band PEACEWORK three years ago. They both play guitar and sing. The CD contains entirely original material, groovy songs with a message. "Have It All", first on the cd, is a typical example, explains Maren: "I was listening to CBC when George W got reelected, and just felt devastated, he would have another four years to ruin the country some more... so many people left the government that day, and I remember all those applications for Canadian residency or even citizenship coming in from down there - three hours and a heated discussion later, the song was basically written - we have too much at stake to let foolish marionettes in politics carry out the monstrous ways of unsustainable neo-economics. To write that song was our way to speak out against the arrogance!"
In addition to the ten audio files that can be played on cd players, the artists threw in two movies, all songs in mp3 format and the lyrics of the songs in pdf - included on the data part of the cd - a part that windows and mac computers will be able to read. "It was kind of important for both of us, to have something physical like a cd, but we sure are fascinated with the digital market - maybe we'll do the next album on a USB-drive, like the Barenaked Ladies. We like the idea of reusing things and giving the consumer a "choice" ... that word is just everywhere", smile the musicians.
Very proud are the two song writers to have the Phils from Bova Sound, Ottawa, play drums and bass. They are a father and son team and also produced the PEACEWORK cd (and Scott's first with his former band Free Souls). Phillip Victor Bova (bass) and Philip Shaw Bova (drums) are also known for their superb analog guitar and mic preamps, regularly sold from their company Sage to the band members of Tom Petty and other successful Rock'n Rollers.
Furthermore will the band receive reinforcement in form of hot and holy back vocals by two local female singers known from gigs in the area with the formation Uncommon Ground.
A message from the band:
we've got two songs up from our brand new cd (check CD Baby and itunes etc. after the release) -
Listen for free and come out to the release in Merrickville - nice break from the big city, as there are tons of lovely b&b's right in town, and with the various arts and artisan stores you might get some x-mas shopping done at the same time.
Think twice: Your dollar is going to make a big difference in a Canadian community instead of going to a big corporation!
PEACE OUT, everybody!
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Joan Newman Kuyek has been the National Co-ordinator of Mining Watch Canada - a pan-Canadian coalition of environmental, labour, social justice and Aboriginal groups - since its inception in April 1999. She has a long history as an adult educator and community development practitioner. She founded and organized two community development corporations in Sudbury, and has worked for The Church and the Economic Crisis Project of the United Church of Canada, the World Council of Churches and for the Sudbury Community Legal Clinic. In 1995, her community work was recognized with an honorary doctorate of Social Work from Laurentian University.
Marilyn Crawford has been working for the past 6 years on issues related to staking of mining claims and exploration. Her main focus has been the Ontario's Mining Act and the system of 'free entry' that affords privileges and rights to enter, occupy and use lands in search of minerals. Marilyn works with Bedford Mining Alert, the Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium and is co-chair of MiningWatch Canada.
WEDNESDY, NOVEMBER 21/ 7pm to 9pm
Hintonberg Community Centre,
1064 Wellington St Ottawa, ON
Author: News
The nuclear industry continues to show failings in reliability by shutting down nearly half of the UK’s reactor fleet for maintenance this week, even as the Government finalizes its consultation on a new generation of British nuclear power.
British Energy was forced to admit that seven of the UK’s 19 nuclear reactors had been shut down: five for routine maintenance, two on the discovery of internal faults.
Hartlepool and Heysham were closed due to an ‘issue with wire winding’, which could delay their reopening even further.
Former environment secretary Michael Meacher described the situation as ‘extremely worrying’.
He told the BBC that when it comes to energy delivery, ‘One needs certainty, and the nuclear industry doesn’t provide it.’
Thursday, October 25, 2007
mdchc checking origin of form
As discussed during our telephone conversation last week, I have taken your concern to our Management Team for discussion. I wanted to determine how the form had been developed and confirm the data collection requirements of CHC's across the province. I hope that you had the opportunity during the week to check out the Association of Ontario Community Health Centres (AOHC) website to find out more about the work of Community Health Centres in Ontario communities. The website is While CHC's provide medical services there are
also other broader programs and initiatives provided in the community depending upon community needs.
We are reviewing our forms and checking with colleagues in other CHC's regarding the wording, which had been taken directly from a CHC Program Evaluation User Guide provided to us. While we are required to collect the information, as are all 55 CHC's in the province, we will review the
way the questions have been worded and look at expanding the statement at the bottom of the form explaining the purpose of collecting this information.
Thank you for sharing your concerns with us.
Ruth Dimopoulos BSC.PT
Health Services Co-ordinator
Registered Physiotherapist
Merrickville District Community Health Centre
Phone: 613-269-3400 x228 Fax: 613-269-4958
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Open letter to Merrickville's District Clinic Health Centre
thanx for our conversation on the phone last Wednesday (?), I think it was,..
I finally found some time to read up on things I wanted to check before critiquing your questionnaire CLIENT REGISTRATION FORM, where patients are asked to specify their race/ethnic origin, when a second question right afterwards enquires about their "country of origin" which made me think long and hard. I wanted to at least superficially research this complex which I have been able to just tonight.
Sorry for the delay. Unfortunately I haven't found anything on the Health Canada pages, which would explain (guidelines? good practise? not really), why such question was required. And besides, Health Canada is already asking that or the like at the border:
As I haven't been in time yet to try on the phone, I am sending this letter also to the media staff of the health ministry, and some members of the press - I hope a lot of people are going to have a look at or even join in this discussion:
I tried to find out where the discussion was at, whether the term "race" is scientifically defined or, at all, describes a scientifically approved concept. I noticed, that nothing much had changed, as I can confirm due to my own work in science as a biologist. This discussion has been going on for longer and I am only referring to one very recent tip of it here:
It might serve as a starting point for other interesting sources of information (Richard Dawkins, Jared Diamond etc).
However, we now seem to only share 94 percent of our genes with the Chimpanzee, instead of 98 percent some years ago, according to the latest research.
My summary here:
To know a person's body's constitution helps to diagnose and treat patients better - no doubt here as illustrates the above noted web page:
"Sickle cell anemia, most closely identified in the United States with black Americans, is often found in African and Mediterranean peoples, ...
Conversely, cystic fibrosis is a common genetic disorder in people of northern European descent, but far less so in Africans.
Those are both diseases that are caused by a single mutation, so the genetic link is clear-cut. [sickle cell and cystic fibrosis]
... , African Americans seem to have a higher frequency of one mutation that reduces the liver's ability to break down certain tricyclic antidepressant drugs, ...
Blacks also have a higher frequency of a mutation that increases the speed at which a newer class of antidepressants, such as Prozac, take effect.
About 8 percent of whites carry a mutation that would cause trouble with warfarin, a blood-thinning drug, compared to 2 or 3 percent of blacks.
Last year, the New England Journal of Medicine published a study showing that African Americans with heart failure were less likely than whites to benefit from a type of drug known as an ACE inhibitor."
(end of quote of the above web page)
Taking the risk of crashing open doors I can't but list some points which seem important in this context:
The exterior (phenotype) expression of a "race" - solely out of mid age convenience I'll stick with the criteria in the internet discussion from above, because I am sure that there are plenty of scientist who would dispute these as defining attributes: nose, hair, skin - represent different alleles on the molecular level, varieties of one gene - that all populations - and to 94 percent even the Chimps - share.
The genetic disposition can be much more diversified as the actual "look" of that person. People can carry two different alleles, coming from their parents gene-disposition, even from far gone by ancestry - somebody's "race" might not be so easy for any of us to reveal.
The experts argue long and hard, if the molecular disposition of a person allows for conclusions about geographic details of that same person.
The Wikipedia entry on the term offers orientation, too:
"Some argue that although "race" is a valid taxonomic (note of the editor: = classifying) concept in other species, it cannot be applied to humans.[3] Many scientists have argued that race definitions are imprecise, arbitrary, derived from custom, have many exceptions, have many gradations, and that the numbers of races delineated vary according to the culture making the racial distinctions; thus they reject the notion that any definition of race pertaining to humans can have taxonomic rigour and validity.[4] Today most scientists study human genotypic and phenotypic variation using concepts such as "population" and "clinal gradation". Many anthropologists contend that while the features on which racial categorizations are made may be based on genetic factors, the idea of race itself, and actual divisions of persons into groups based on selected hereditary features, are social constructs."
It takes considerate writers to find the matching word. We have just tangentially touched the scientific discussion, and it's already clear, that this is one of the hot spots of social life science and why the term "race" is very disputed and may seem offensive - why not avoid it altogether?
I think there are better ways of accessing that information that is so crucial to provide the right services to your community. On the same note I'd like to express my appreciation for the service that I received when I attended the pap-clinic - everybody was very friendly and helpful. I know the mdchc is trying hard to improve people's health.
Therefore the following suggestions with my best wishes as a worshipper of appropriate wording and expression, and a scientist:
The second and third paragraph of the questionnaire need to be modified. In order to screen on any infectious potential the question
Where have you been travelling within the last two years?
seems much better suited.
Would that point out a certain increased risk, you could try to obtain details in the one-on-one (have you been exposed to farms, chickens, touched a bird, noticed a strange sting or bite on your skin), as usual.
To screen for potential diseases more common amongst people who share a certain phenotype - well, that poses challenge, and I know that the mdchc has an interest in what is politically correct. Should that really be required here, why don't you ask your patients what they know about themselves instead of something that is so hard to describe, even for scientists (s.a.):
Please check boxes to indicate (cultural or family) ties with the following regions (multiple possible):
Central America, North America, South America, Middle East, India, Africa, South East Asia, China, Australia, Russia, Europe, Caribbeans, Pacific etc.
Upon registration - is the new patient at least seen by a nurse? The details need a private setting, which can be easily established with the nurse or office manager.
A far as I remember you on the phone as well as the staff lady who was at the counter when I started to try to find out more about the intention of question 2 and 3, explained to me upon my enquiry, that the mdchc was trying to provide an appropriate frame of care according to the conviction or any other personal choices of the individual patient. This can easily be addressed with this question:
Do you prefer a male/female family doctor?
Also here, a one-on-one will reveal necessary details ("Is there anything else we need to know in order to treat you appropriately?").
Come on, guys!
What in the world could be the reason for using such a dirty and leached out looser of a word as
The AECL’s Advanced Candu and Bush’s Global Nuclear Partnership
By Jim Harding
A few weeks before Stephen Harper went to the APEC meeting in Australia, ready to discuss George Bush’s Global Nuclear Energy Partnership (GNEP), the Energy Alberta Corporation (EAC) in consort with AECL announced its plan to build two Advanced Candu Reactors (ACRs) near Peace River, Alberta. Harper, EAC’s Wayne Henuset and AECL’s mandarins won’t want the public to connect the dots too quickly. Harper’s minority government might not weather a heated controversy over Canada importing nuclear wastes while having a huge unsolved nuclear waste problem of its own. That controversy erupted in the Australian election campaign after the Howard government indicated it would consider buying into Bush’s plan to have supplier countries take back and reprocess spent fuel.
The Seaborn Panel, the 9-year federal review of Canada’s nuclear wastes, never investigated Canada importing nuclear wastes, and reprocessing these wasn’t even on its radar screen. Rather, it concluded that deep geologic disposal of irradiated nuclear fuel is not acceptable to the Canadian public and recommended that the management of irradiated fuel be addressed by a body at arms length from the both the nuclear industry and government. Instead, the Chretien government mandated the industry-owned agency, the Nuclear Waste Management Organization (NWMO), to deal with the issue. Under the NWMO’s announced plan, irradiated fuel is to be stored at existing reactor sites for at least a generation, i.e. 30 years, before being moved to a centralized location and possibly being reprocessed before the high-level radioactive residues are buried in a deep geologic repository. Such reprocessing would create a highly radioactive corrosive liquid even more dangerous than the solid spent fuel rods, and the extracted plutonium will remain extraordinarily toxic for over 800 generations.
The large nuclear reactors (ACR-1000) that EAC wants to build in Alberta are justified as an environmentally-friendly alternative to the natural gas that is currently used to heat the tar sands. The fact that the tar sands are the dirtiest of all fossil fuels discredits the nuclear industry’s PR about being the clean, magic bullet for averting global warming. That’s bad enough. If it became widely known there was a hidden agenda about an international nuclear waste dump in Canada, then all the hype about clean nuclear energy providing economic development might begin to fall on deaf ears. Besides, the ACR-1000 reactor is only a design on paper and hasn’t been reality tested. Without the $200 million granted to AECL from the Harper government for design work, adding to the $17 billion dollars of subsidies since 1952, there’d be no chance at all of this project ever seeing the light of day. (Such large handouts of federal taxpayer’s money could become a contentious issue, given Alberta’s populist ideology of self-reliance.) Serious design flaws have already been noted by the 2004 Safety Assessment done for the U.S.’s Nuclear Reactor Regulation (NRR); most notably the risk of a Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) and core meltdown after a power surge resulting from a large or multiple pipe breakage.
AECL’s 180 degree About-Turn
The original Candu designers prided themselves on using heavy water (the “d” in Candu) as a moderator and coolant, so that natural uranium (the “u” in Candu) can be used as fuel. No enrichment of uranium is required. But the new ACRs will use light water as a coolant, and for that reason they will require slightly-enriched uranium (SEU) as a fuel. Why the flip-flop?
The basic motivation is to reduce costs, but there is a darker side to what AECL calls the ACR’s “fuel adaptability”. AECL’s Technical Summary for the ARC-1000 says it is “ideally suited to burn other fuels such as mixed oxides (MOX) and thorium.” MOX is a code word for a blend of uranium and plutonium. But “other fuels” can also be used and these include irradiated fuel elements from Light Water Reactors (LWR) such as used in the U.S., France, Japan and elsewhere. According to Gordon Edwards of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility, the ARC-1000 would be able “to make use of the “DUPIC” process, whereby spent LWR nuclear fuel is repackaged and used to fuel a Candu reactor.” The reason for this, he says, is that “the amount of fissile material (U-235 plus plutonium) in spent LWR fuel is more than enough to match” the requirements for SEU.
AECL is trying to put a responsible spin on this. It’s scientistic handlers used to assert that due to international safeguards there was no chance of uranium exported for nuclear power being diverted for weapons. Now they’ve created a new argument to market their “peaceful atom.” An AECL paper by nuclear engineer Jeremy Whitlock argues that the new Candu design will provide “unique synergism with LWR technology”, that it “can be used to disposition ex-weapons plutonium”, and, furthermore, that all this will be a “positive contribution to world peace.” The U.S.-based Union of Concerned Scientists (UCS) disagrees, saying in its January 2006 statement on Bush’s GNEP, that “all reprocessing technologies are more proliferation-prone than direct disposal” of nuclear wastes.
AECL’s Unparalleled History of Botched Designs
The only advantage of the new Candu would be to the fledgling AECL. But don’t hold your breath waiting for the ARC-1000 to be up and running, for the list of botched AECL designs is lengthy. There was the Organic Cooled Reactor in Manitoba, which was an expensive dead end. There was the Candu Boiling Light Water Reactor in Quebec, which (without even including design costs) was a $126 million disaster. Then there was the Slowpoke Energy System, for which design work cost $45 million, which didn’t work properly. Next came the Candu-3, for which design work cost $75 million, which no one wanted. And the Candu-9, with design costs still secret, which was a no-go in South Korea. More recently AECL built the Maple Reactor at Chalk River, which threatens to become another technological and financial fiasco since the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) is refusing to even license it for operation.
The Candu industry has been a sinkhole for the Canadian taxpayer. Each Candu reactor built so far has required refurbishing costs equal to the original construction costs after only half of its projected operating life. And after 50 years in business, AECL has only sold 12 reactors abroad. In 1996, to try to justify its huge taxpayer subsidies, it set a goal of 10 sales by 2006. But only 3 sales occurred, including the Romanian Cernavada plant from a 1980 deal, which required another $328 million Canadian guarantee; and two plants at Qunshin in China that received $1.5 billion in Canadian Account financing. During this decade AECL lost sales to Turkey, Australia and South Korea. With this dismal record, AECL has done a design flip-flop, turning its back on natural uranium fuel to try to cash in on the worldwide nuclear waste crisis. But we must be on guard. While AECL is opportunistically promoting ACR’s which can use irradiated nuclear fuel from other countries, after 60 years they still haven’t cleaned up their radioactive mess at the Manitoba Whiteshell Lab, and their plan for cleaning up their contaminated Chalk River Lab, costing millions more for the taxpayer, remains obscure.
Enter George Bush and his GNEP
Beholding to huge federal subsidies, AECL is also beholding to U.S. President George Bush with his $405 million brainchild, the GNEP. The only thing “global” about this plan is the U.S. pretence to world hegemony, which seems delusional after the Iraq debacle. And the only partners to this proposed “global” plan would be countries already in the nuclear weapons club, along with their uranium suppliers. The agreement would make it mandatory for uranium suppliers to take back spent fuel from reactors abroad. The bargaining chip would be allowing enrichment facilities and nuclear power plants that use spent fuel in these countries. Some chip. We’d get to throw more public money down the nuclear drain, create and store even more dangerous nuclear waste, and have less capital to create truly sustainable, renewable energy systems to avert even more catastrophic climate change.
Bush’s plan would be unworkable without the major uranium exporting countries – Canada and Australia - involved. Luckily for Bush, both countries are governed by neo-conservative parties that also oppose Kyoto. Bush is presenting the GNEP as a means to control nuclear proliferation, while making nuclear power available globally, by not allowing enrichment facilities, or spent fuel to remain, that could be used to produce weapons. (This finally admits that the Non-Proliferation Treaty is not an effective guarantee against proliferation from nuclear power plants.) The converse of this is that GNEP members would preserve a near monopoly on nuclear technology and weapons. No wonder, in the context of discussing billions living in inhuman conditions, climate change and the potential for nuclear holocaust, the head of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Dr. ElBaradei, in a Sept 03/07 interview with Der Spiegel, said “we are moving rapidly towards an abyss”. With a real sense of urgency, he said that, “in order to seem credible to the nuclear wannabe states we must demand steps towards nuclear disarmament from those who have nuclear weapons - an obligation that is stipulated in the non-proliferation treaty but is not complied with.” He goes on to deplore what he calls “this two-faced approach” since “If practically all nuclear powers are modernizing instead of reducing their arsenals, how can we argue with the non-nuclear states?”
More pragmatically, the GNEP would provide “a way out” for the nuclear powers, none of which has any fundamental solution to their own mounting nuclear waste problem. As the world’s major supplier of uranium, Canada, under the GNEP, could be required to take nuclear wastes back from the largest users of nuclear power – the U.S., France and Japan. The elements therefore exist for a dangerous nuclear expansion strategy in Canada. First, a Candu redesign requiring some uranium enrichment that can be used as a justification for importing nuclear wastes to reprocess as fuel, and then the tar sands as a justification for building this new generation of nuclear plants. And, finally, lest we forget, we have the huge Saskatchewan uranium industry supplying the raw material to the nuclear powers, which, under the GNEP, would require that nuclear wastes be brought back to Canada.
Nuclear and Kyoto: The Big Disconnect
The first I heard of Canada “repatriating” spent fuel was when AECL and Saskatchewan’s uranium multinational, Cameco, advocated this in the early 1990s. At the time they were both working towards an integrated uranium-nuclear industry. Now Cameco operates the Bruce Candu plants and a uranium refinery in Ontario, and, with a sympathetic Prime Minister from Alberta, AECL is trying to base itself in its north. It seems the AECL and Cameco were flying this trial balloon of us taking back nuclear wastes long before George Bush or Stephen Harper were elected. Could the tail be wagging the dog?
It’s no accident that the GNEP is spearheaded in countries refusing to support the Kyoto Accord. Kyoto sets targets for reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs), which mostly come from fossil fuels. However, business and government interests in oil-dependent countries (including countries like Canada, i.e. Alberta, dependent on exporting oil) don’t want anything to slow down their profit and royalty-gushing ventures. Meanwhile efficiency, geothermal, wind and solar electricity are proving to be the most cost-effective ways to quickly lower GHGs, which doesn’t sit well with the nuclear industry’s comeback strategy of stressing itself as the clean alternative to fossil fuels. Furthermore, the 2001 Climate Change Conference in Bonn rejected nuclear as a solution to climate change partly because nuclear will steal capital from the cheaper, less risky, more effective renewable alternatives. So the nuclear industry is primarily looking to the countries outside Kyoto for support. It helped when George Bush’s 2005 Energy Bill gave another $13 billion subsidies to the industry, and a privatized electrical market allowed U.S. nuclear plants to displace “stranded costs” on to the consumer. And it certainly helped AECL when the Harper government, continuing the Liberal practice of bailing out the nuclear industry, provided millions to design the ARC.
Harper’s government has tried to low-key its involvement with Bush’s GNEP, but we know from a Canadian Press Access to Information request that his government has been seriously involved in discussions about this since at least March 2006. While his aides, seemingly aware that this issue is politically explosive, tried to downplay the “secret agenda” item at the APEC forum, Natural Resources Minister Lund has been more candid. In reference to reprocessing spent fuel for new Candus, in the September 5, 2007 Globe and Mail, Lund is quoted as saying: “as the technology evolves, it’s something we’ll see”. The next day this was “corrected” and it reported that the Canadian government hadn’t yet decided on supporting such reprocessing. At the end of the APEC meeting, Harper’s Foreign Minister Bernier said that the Canadian government had just about decided about the GNEP. This is more smoke and mirrors, as Harper had already funded the ARC, which AECL promotes as being able to use reprocessed spent fuel, and his government has enthusiastically supported the ARC being built in the tar sands. All this from the man who so righteously attacked the Liberals for being unaccountable for far less consequential and less expensive matters.
Meanwhile the Canadian Nuclear Association (CNA) is forthright about its support for enriching uranium and importing nuclear wastes. CNA President Murray Elston even uses the high price of raw uranium as a reason to support nuclear waste as the fuel of future choice. He continues the practice of the CNA providing disinformation to the public, saying in the Sept. 5, 2007 Globe and Mail that, “nuclear military powers have been reprocessing and transporting nuclear waste for years, and have proven it can be done safely.” Plutonium contamination at the U.S. Rocky Flats plant, France’s nuclear conglomerate Areva contaminating the North Sea, radioactive contamination of the Irish Sea along with detectable levels of plutonium in children’s teeth emitted from England’s Windscale/Sellafield reprocessing plant, and various weapons countries losing nuclear weapons grade uranium is apparently “safe” to the CNA.
Lessons from AECL’s Saskatchewan Shenanigans
We saw a similar process as what is now happening in Alberta in my home province from 1989-91, when AECL had another private company front the proposed building of a Candu-3 in our North. (AECL also tried but failed to sell its Slowpoke 3 to the University of Saskatchewan at the time.) AECL used every manipulative trick in the book, including inflating energy growth to make us fear we’d freeze in the dark without nuclear power. (They forecast a shortfall of electricity in Saskatchewan by 2000 unless a Candu reactor was built.) They wined and dined local politicians and businessmen on trips to Ontario’s Candus, as they are now doing with Albertans. And they tried to bribe us – during a slump in the economy - with the economic opportunities of a Candu-3 export industry based in our province. And they made no mention of the huge taxpayers subsidies that made it possible for them to float such grandiose schemes.
Under Grant Devine’s Tories, who privatized the uranium crown Cameco, AECL got the public utility Sask Power on side for a while, though their figures never jibed. At one point, as many jobs were promised from constructing one Candu-3 as came in total from the massive Ontario Darlington 8-reactor complex. There was lots of nuclear hype that got favourable coverage by the well-oiled and parochial provincial media. But, as with so many other AECL projects, the Candu-3 was never built, anywhere, as Saskatchewan people and third world countries alike rejected the contrived plan. And we are doing fine in 2007, with no black outs and no nuclear plants; though the Tory-like Sask Party and its Premier-in-waiting Brad Wall seem to think we should have one even if its not needed. We have a few wind farms, and, yes, uranium exports remain the bulk of primary energy production and export. The NDP government which spearheaded uranium expansion in the 1970s publicly opposes nuclear power without wanting to admit that they have been willing and essential pawns in the nuclear expansion strategy, which we now see taking shape with Bush’s GNEP and Harper’s compliance.
Saskatchewan and Alberta people are now interlocked in this geo-political drama. We will have to be vigilant about creating a future based on sustainable, renewable energy while phasing out the uranium-nuclear industry; or see both our provinces become the dangerous playground of a nuclear industry that expands by economic bribery and political bailout.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Three of Canada’s best know singer songwriters have each written songs with the uranium mine as their theme. Each has donated their time and talents and recorded these songs as a fundraiser for the fight against uranium mining.
There will be a public information display and people there to answer your questions about the effects of a uranium mine on your community.
Nuclear River or Bad Science?
This is your chance to come out and ask important questions!!!
Date/Time: Friday, October 12, 2007, 7:30 pm
Location: Almonte United Church Social Hall, 106 Elgin Street, Almonte
Here's a link to Google maps.
Cost: No admission charge – Free-will offering gratefully accepted.
This is a moderated information session which will include three perspectives as well as a chance for questions and answers. This uranium mining issue is proving to be a complicated and emotionally-charged debate in which many residents of Mississippi Mills are deeply engaged. The topic has been the subject of several news items of late. This moderated session will allow audience members to clarify their understanding of the issues and pose questions to the speakers.
Mr. John Kittle MSc has 2 years experience in nuclear physics research at Carleton University. As a resident of North Frontenac he will present his understanding about the dangers and consequences of proposed mining operations on the health of the Mississippi Watershed.
Mr. George White, President of Frontenac Ventures Corporation, the company that is seeking to proceed with uranium mining operations, will provide arguments that support FVC’s position that this uranium mining project is a legally- and environmentally-defensible corporate pursuit.
Mr. Paul Lehman, General Manager, Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority will provide the Conservation Authority’s understanding of the proposed mining project and discuss the possible environmental issues.
Prof. Don Wiles, of Carleton University’s Department of Chemistry, will moderate the discussion.
It was decided yesterday that it would be beneficial to have Donna stay right at the site, outside of the gates, to draw more attention to the centre of the protest. It is important to know that Donna has not passed through the gates of the site and what she is doing is well within her legal rights, as she will be camping on the road allowance.
Some people were wondering if Donna was welcome to stay at Parliament Hill. Know that the OPP and RCMP were willing to discuss accommodating Donna and that her choice to keep the hunger strike at the protest site, in no way suggests a lack of cooperation on the part of the police. Donna is allowing for the possibility of moving her protest to Parliament Hill if needed.
As I set up to begin my hunger strike at noon on Monday, please know that this effort will not be successful in isolation. It is not about me. The hunger strike is a focal point. With our voices, our pens and the internet, each of us can reach out to as many other people as possible, and as each of them to do the same. The media will not win this for us. With our individual efforts we can take this issue around the world overnight and it might take that to bring me back home.
At a meeting at the site last night, Chris Reid, one of the lawyers for the First Nations said that he "could feel it in his bones" that we could win this, With the momentum that has already been built by the Natives and by the non-native community, we CAN win a moratorium.
Thank you for the numerous offer of prayers, and various kinds of support. I know that I am not, in fact, doing it in isolation and appreciate all of you for the efforts you have made and continue to make.
Blessings and Happy Thanksgiving.
We have much to be thankful for.
At 12 pm on the 8th of October, Donna Dillman started her hunger strike outside of the gates of the uranium protest site. She is calling for a moratorium on uranium mining in Eastern Ontario and is asking people to show their support by contacting local politicians and media outlets. Many people have expressed their concern about Donna’s actions but after speaking with her directly most come away with an understanding and appreciation for the position she has taken. Thank you for all of the letters of support.
We can go a long time without food, but clean water is essential to all life. With that in mind and with the rain holding off, I arrived at the site at noon, today, feeling a bit of trepidation and some anticipation. A short time later my home away from home arrived and the good folks at the site got busy and moved me in. I am indebted to the people who donated the tent camper and those on my support team. Without them, and other supporters, this would not be happening, as they are vital to the success of this campaign.
My debut into the public eye came about when a Global TV reporter and Jeff Green, from Frontenac News, arrived on site for interviews. Harold Perry officially welcomed me and thanked me for what I am doing here and I was able to share with him how much I appreciate the sacrifice that the First Nations have made in keeping our water safe. Some time later, I was also interviewed by a student from Loyalist College.
I’ve been getting lots of response to my action and I want to thank each of you for your comments and prayers. Please know that I am not doing this in isolation and that whatever you can do to help me get the message out is appreciated. Please call, write or email your elected officials. Tell them you want a moratorium on uranium exploration and mining in Eastern Ontario. Or start an action of your own – a women in N.S. is organizing a coalition of grandparents to protest with us (wouldn’t it be grand if that went coast to coast, with people protesting in communities across the country) and some raging grannies are visiting the site on the weekend – or donate as you can, so that the people working on the issue can keep on keeping on. If you can come by the site, please do, as visits go a long way to keeping the moral up here.
Legitimacy versus Legality
Uranium Mining - Legitimacy versus Legality
Global demand for minerals, fuels and forest products is a daily headline around the world. On the surface, the promise of jobs and the projections of bull markets appear full of hope for workers and investors alike. However, the story below the surface may be different. Conflicts over natural resources are rising. Growing numbers of local land owners and traditional users increasingly fear that they will loose their land and resource rights to the powerful corporate forces of international mining, energy and forestry.
Extractive industries, such as Frontenac Ventures, outside of Canada’s capital Ottawa, have filed their prospecting claims, seemingly on the classical arguments of the mining sector – that the law provides them with sub-surface rights; a mine, in this case uranium, will contribute to economic growth; and, today’s mining practices are safe. And, in the case of uranium, the latest boost to the claims of the mining industry, links nuclear power to climate change – it’s carbon-free and unlike gas and oil, uranium is located in friendly places like Australia and Canada.
Competing resource claims are difficult policy issues. From a global vantage point, these are not new issues. There is a wide body of worldwide experience and evidence that can be used to establish public policies to legislate and regulate who has he right to use which resources, for which purposes, and under which conditions. These are the essential components for ensuring sustainable resource use. The emerging confrontation around uranium mining in Canada can benefit from this knowledge and the lessons that have been learned elsewhere.
The Canadian case, seeming to hinge on a law from the 1800s, raises the same question that has come to the surface in resource conflicts in other countries. Is the law legitimate? For the International Land Coalition and similar organizations concerned with peoples’ resource rights, it is commonly recognized that governments have a responsibility to ensure that their laws are both coherent within their jurisdiction and consistent with international agreements to which they are a party. In legitimacy versus legality approach to public policy, governments are frequently found to have not harmonized old laws with the new, both within and across ministries. Is this mining law from the 19th century in harmony with related federal and provincial laws of the 21st century?
Around the world, legislative reform of the natural resource sector is undergoing rapid reform in respect to environmental protection, nuclear safety, and the downstream natural resource and watershed effects, resulting from chemical leaching, including mining residues. Canada has a mixed reputation in the mining sector. On the one hand Canada is recognized as an international leader in promoting environmental impact monitoring. On the other, Canadian mining companies operating abroad are frequently cited as examples of policies not being matched in practice.
The current land rights conflicts in Canada and rampant resource debates around the world, point to the need for a mining law that reflects the full body of resource and environmental laws and safeguards, including Canada’s voluntary or ratified international agreement in these domains. Furthermore, when approaching resource reform, it is noteworthy that the principles of free, prior and informed consent are increasingly considered as the basis for protecting the resource rights of landowners, users and tenants.
From press stories covering this Canadian situation, communities may be at risk of becoming divided over the economic promise that mining may offer. Yet, studies have indicated that mining generally results in only low levels of employment due to its high tech nature. The real increase in jobs is not where the mine is located but where the minerals are used, while the environmental consequences remain. Road building and infrastructure are one time investments and trucking generates few jobs. And, the few on-site jobs can quickly disappear due to the high price volatility of minerals. Additionally, a 2001 study found that Canadian taxpayers subsidized the mining industry by $13,095 per job created, funds that may have been used to stimulate alternative opportunities.
Mining is not neutral; it affects the entire territory – especially where the mineral is uranium. Mining on average takes 20 years to come on stream and may be postponed or cancelled if mineral values change or competition from richer deposits or lower labour costs makes other mining locations more attractive. For these twenty years other opportunities are likely to suffer. In a highly valued recreational area with a burgeoning property market, as in the case of this region of Canada, property values are likely to decline thus lowering the tax base. Whereas, the current growth in full-time residents, seasonal cottage owners and vacationers would seem to be a sustainable stimulant to the local economy. This appears to be the alternative to an uncertain, financial volatile, environmentally risky and socially divisive force among neighbours and local business people alike.
Climate change is among the international issues that are gaining much required attention. It would seem unimaginable that policy makers would be taken in by corporate “spin-doctors” suggesting that they should use risky technology to counter greenhouse gases when safe technologies exist.
This Canadian mining confrontation is of rising global interest. Whose interests will rise to the surface – the citizen or the corporation?
Lawyers attempt to force hand of justice; Want to see protesters brought to trial
Posted By Sue Yanagisawa
The Kingston Whig Standard October 5, 2007
Lawyers are still attempting to forestall contempt charges against protesters occupying a uranium-prospecting claim north of Sharbot Lake.
This morning, lawyers representing the Algonquins occupying the claim and Frontenac Ventures Corp., the company that holds rights to explore the area's mineral potential, will meet at Frontenac County Court House to try to broker a deal.
Late last week, Justice Douglas Cunningham endorsed the injunction sought by the company upholding Frontenac Ventures' "immediate, unfettered and unobstructed access to the subject property."
Within days, Frontenac Ventures filed notice it was seeking an order holding the Ardoch Algonquin First Nation, Shabot Obaadjiwan First Nation, five of their community leaders, Christian Peacekeeper David Milne of Belleville, local landowner Frank Morrison and unidentified Johns and James Doe in contempt of his order "by failing to end the occupation and/or leave the subject property."
As of yesterday, Cunningham's injunction was still in draft form.
Although Cunningham's injunction hadn't yet been filed with the court, after some preliminary discussion to tweak its terms, Frontenac's lawyer, Neal Smitheman, asked to proceed directly to trial on the allegations of contempt, which were first raised in relation to an interim injunction granted in late August by another judge.
Cunningham asked if it would be better to wait and proceed, if necessary, on his order: "It has not been issued. It has not been entered [with the court] and there's no direction to enforce," he pointed out.
Smitheman told him the parties were aware of his endorsement and said, "your endorsement has not been followed. Your endorsement is being ignored."
At previous court hearings where the prospect of contempt charges was raised, it was estimated that a trial would take five days. Neither of the lawyers representing the Algonquins came to court anticipating that they'd even be spending the night in Kingston.
Lawyers Christopher Reid, who represents the Ardoch Algonquin First Nation and Stephen Reynolds on behalf of Shabot Obaadjiwan, told the judge they weren't prepared to begin a trial immediately.
Reynolds said that Smitheman was "trying to jam through a contempt motion," on short notice and argued that his clients are entitled to call witnesses in their defense. He also told Cunningham that he hadn't prepared to cross-examine the police witnesses.
Smitheman proposes to call three members of the OPP's Aboriginal Response Team (ART), a recent initiative developed out of the Ipperwash Inquiry and aimed at building trust between native communities and the police force. Concerns have already been expressed for the future of the initiative if its members are compelled to testify.
Cunningham rose abruptly around 11:15 a.m. and directed the lawyers to join him in the jury deliberation room adjoining the courtroom.
Spectators in the courtroom were left for the rest of the day to speculate on what was happening behind closed doors.
For more of this article go to…
Monday, October 1, 2007
Location: Stewart Park and the Perth Fair Grounds, Perth ON
Focused on the Future, Honoring the Past!
A Three Day Circle of All Nations Celebration of the Waterways of North America and 175th Anniversary of the Rideau Canal (Newest Unesco World Heritage Site!)
Coordinated by Merriwolf Productions
Guest speakers will cover the topic of Uranium Mining in the Frontenac and Lanark region.
October 7, 2007
3:20 PM - 3:50PM
Joan Kuyek, Mining Watch Canada
Impacts of Mining and Mineral Exploration
5:20 PM - 5:50PM
Doreen Davie, Algonquin Chief
Local Struggles to Protect Lands and Watersheds
6:20 PM - 6:30PM
Paula Sherman, Algonquin Chief
Local Struggles to Protect Lands and Watersheds
Hamilton proposes new energy plan
OTTAWA - This morning at the Green Door Restaurant, Ontario NDP Leader Howard Hampton alongside Ottawa Area NDP Candidates Will Murray, Andrée
Germain, Edelweiss D'Andrea, Ric Dagenais and Lynn Hamilton, outlined the NDP's plan to meet Ontario's electricity needs with an aggressive approach to renewables, energy efficiency and conservation. Under the NDP's plan, there would be no new $40 billion nuclear megascheme, and no more smog and greenhouse gases from the Nanticoke coal plant.
"Our plan means shifting Ontario towards a greener electricity supply mix and establishing a solid foundation for reliable, affordable energy. That means giving the green light to green power, energy efficiency and conservation, and the red light to the Nanticoke coal plant by 2011 and new nuclear power," said Hampton.
Highlights of the plan include:
* Aggressive energy efficiency, conservation and demand management, to reduce consumption and save people money.
* A significant boost in clean, renewable electricity such as wind, solar and water power.
* A significant expansion of industrial cogeneration facilities through the appointment of a long-delayed cogeneration facilitator and enhanced incentives to industrial co-generation plants.
* Coal phase-out.
* No new nuclear plants.
* Greater accountability.
RESISTANCE IS FERTILE interviews Bob Lovelace
Follow Up With Bob Lovelace on the Blockade of a Proposed Uranium Mine
The continuing blockade of a proposed uranium mine near Sharbot Lake is an incredibly important struggle that is getting very little media coverage. Unfortunately that's the way it goes, and that's one of the reasons I do this show. I spoke with retired Ardoch Algonquin chief Bob Lovelace back on August 29 (our first interview is below this one), and here we speak again to learn how things have been progressing.
As it stands most of the leaders of the blockade have warrants out for their arrest and are facing a $77 million lawsuit. Despite this, they are absolutely firm in their stance that the mine will never go through and they will not leave their land. In conjunction with their continued presence at the site, a group of elders and others from their community have embarked on canoes up the Ottawa river to Ottawa, with the intent of gathering support and raising awareness about their struggle. In
support of them, a growing number of communities and organizations are calling for a moratorium on uranium exploration and mining in their territory, and also, a growing number of people in the surrounding municipality are refusing to pay their taxes.
Bob talks about their interesting relationship with the OPP, and how they maintained a good relationship with them from the start, which helped them not get evicted when an injunction came down ordering their removal. Since then, however, the OPP was called to court to provide names of leaders and participants in the blockade, and despite their alleged best of intentions, they had to give names to the court to be named in a civil charges on behalf of Frontenac Ventures. Bob also talks about who Frontenac Ventures is and what their business is about.
As with last time, Bob is an excellent, thoughtful speaker, and I hope you can spread news of this around in your own circles. To hear the interview that was recorded on September 26, 2007 go to
Friday, August 24, 2007
Tourism Minister Jim Bradley not aware of Rideau's World Heritage Status?
In a phone conversation with Maren Molthan, Susan Freeman, Deputy Reeve in Tay Valley Township and Councillor for Lanark County, described her latest efforts to turn the protest in the communities with uranium mining into alterations to the Ontario Mining Act. She has worked on that for years and met with Bill Mauro, parliamentary assistant to Northern Development and Mining Minister Rick Bartolucci on Tuesday, the 21st of August. Susan also talked to Jim Bradley, Minister for Tourism of Ontario. The purpose of these meetings was to attract some Ministerial attention on the treatment and consequences residents of Lanark County and Tay Valley Township face with uranium and graphite mining.
Maren Molthan: When did you start advocating for a change in the Mining Act towards more rights for private land owners, was that in your time as Warden of Lanark County for the 2004-2005 term of office?
Susan Freeman: No earlier, just six months after I was elected to Tay Valley Council when the first stakings happened for graphite exploration in Tay Valley.
MM: You have filed a resolution to make some changes to the Ontario Mining Act. What do they consist in?
SF: Some private property owners do not possess their sub-surface (mineral rights) on their property, only the surface rights. The situation here in Southern Ontario is very residential. The Mining Act was created much in favour of the development of the North, which we acknowledge. The resolution aims to make the mining rights accessible to the property owner so if they wish, to merge their surface and mineral rights.
MM: What was the reaction?
SF: Both were very sympathetic, although they seemed to be very unfamiliar with the situation here in Eastern Ontario. The Tourism Minister disputed my statement that the proclamation of the Rideau Canal as World Heritage Site represents in fact, Ontario's first and only World Heritage Site. Bill Mauro, also the current MPP of the Riding of Thunder Bay-Rainy River, didn't seem to be aware of the now UNESCO-protected status of the Rideau Canal at all.
Note of the editor: look up all Canadian World Heritage Sites here.
MM: What would you like to see happening to improve the position of private landowners in Lanark and Tay Valley?
SF: We asked the government for a moratorium on the uranium mining in Ontario. On the same note: I hope that our MPP for Lanark, Norm Sterling, will voice our concern in the house.
MM: With regards to Bill Mauro also being the current MPP for Thunder Bay-Rainy River - how much do you see a conflict of interest in Mauro - at the same time - holding also the position of the Minister's parliamentary assistant?
SF: No, each Minister works with another MPP who is their parliamentary assistant. Hopefully, even though from the north, they work for all Ontarians.
MM: How do you think/expect the Ministries to react?
SF: It is an election year, so who knows!
MM: Do you know of any session, where the house or the committee in charge will likely discuss the resolution or the Mining Act itself? If so, when is that scheduled?
SF: After the EBR (Environmental Bill of Rights) postings then there should be committee hearings on changes to the Act.
Note of the editor: The Ontario Association of Anglers and Hunters explains well, in what an EBR posting consists and provides a link to the Environmental Bill of Rights web page.
MM: How do you think the Ontario Vote in October is going to impact the
SF: Certainly in this riding it well might have an effect.
MM: What is your next step?
SF: Our next step is to ask both councils to pass a motion on a moratorium on uranium mining and on the protection of the Rideau Corridor in Tay Valley and Lanark County.
Excerpt of the resolution:
"(...) the Mining Act of Ontario recognizes separate mining and surface rights on many private lands, bringing about a state of affairs where there may be two owners to one property; (...)"
Susan Freeman can be reached here:
To not own the surface rights of a property does not prevent any mining operator to process exploratory drillings for Uranium at any given time on that property. Now, even with this 150 years old practise remaining legal, it may conflict with the UNESCO protection, because the Rideau Canal is water-connected with the concerned communities, also known as the land of lakes. J.D. Kittle residing in Snow Road, voiced concerns in an open letter, criticizing the Mining Act in a very similar way (see archives for entire open letter):
"The Ontario Mining Act allows mining companies to conduct this prospecting and exploration activity without the knowledge or permission of property owners. There is also no requirement to notify or consult with the Crown when exploration takes place on unpatented Crown land. The exploration process itself can and has in the past done serious damage to property. The Ontario Mining Act allows excavation of thousands of tons of material in the exploration stage without environmental assessment and without a requirement to restore the land. The drilling process itself has risks … the planned depth of ~400 meters causes drill holes to become “wells”, which have to be filled to prevent upflow of contaminated water into the watershed. Drilling can also affect the stability of underground water aquifers that supply clean drinking water to wells in our area.
If exploration leads to an operational mine, ore is removed by strip-mining and shipped to a processing site, usually located as close as possible to the mine site. Uranium ore is crushed and leached using large quantities of water. The sludge or tailings, which still contains substantial quantities of radioactive material, are dumped into special tailings ponds. Reports in 1980 by the Ontario Environmental Assessment Board on Elliott Lake solved many of the problems, but cited significant residual risks in the area of long-term viability of these tailings ponds. More recently in 2003 and 2006, Cameco in northern Saskatchewan, which is the world's largest uranium producer, suffered three major flood-related spills, in spite of new technologies in tailings pond management. In North Frontenac and Lanark, mining and processing of uranium ore is of special concern since a pond failure or accidental spill could cause toxins to flow into the Mississippi River watershed, thereby impacting tens of thousands of people in villages, towns and cities downstream, including the City of Ottawa.
There are hundreds of cases where mining companies have walked away from mines or processing facilities leaving a mess for the province to clean up. In December 2005, the Ontario Auditor General identified, out of 5400 abandoned mine sites in Ontario, at least 250 are 'toxic waste dumps, leaching acidic, metals contaminated drainage into water-courses and aquifers', and the AG strongly criticized the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines over their failure to protect the environment and Ontario taxpayers from the long-term impacts of mining.
In terms of documented health risks, the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act states: 'primary cancers of the trachea, bronchus and lung among workers previously employed in uranium mining in Ontario are recognized as occupational diseases under the Workplace Safety & Insurance Act. They are both characteristic of uranium mining and result from exposure to ionizing radiation relating to the uranium mining industry'.
In relation to the government's new Clean Air and Clean Water Act, we are concerned about the impact of potential uranium mining pollution on the water supply of hundreds of thousands of people in villages, towns and cities downstream on the Mississippi and Ottawa River systems. We do not want a repeat of Elliott Lake and other uranium mining disasters throughout the world. Airborne radioactive dust is carried by winds and will directly affect not only mine employees, but thousands of Ontario residents in Frontenac County, Lanark County, Tay Valley and the City of Ottawa other area townships.
Farmers and rural businesses are very concerned about the effects of uranium mining on tourism, agriculture and other traditional rural businesses and land uses. Property owners have already suffered a negative impact on property values and in many cases have indefinitely delayed plans for property purchases or improvements at a substantial cost to local economies.
Nova Scotia has already enacted a province-wide moratorium on uranium mining due to serious health and environmental concerns and the poor environmental record of the mining companies. British Columbia is presently considering a similar moratorium. Nova Scotia's moratorium was prompted by contamination from exploratory drilling.
The root of the problem is that the Ontario Mining Act is over 150 years old, and is long overdue for a major overhaul. Over the last few years, many proposals have been submitted to the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (many at the request of the Ministry), but to date no substantive changes have been made to the Act. The unfairness of the current Mining Act and its extreme bias toward mining company rights over the rights of property owners and First Nations people is encouraging uranium mining exploration and development that is completely incompatible with current land use in our area.
We request that the Ontario government enact an immediate moratorium on uranium exploration, mining and processing in eastern Ontario and initiate a public review of Ontario's Mining Act."
J.D. Kittle can be reached here:
PO Box 1050, Snow Road, ON, K0H 2R0
Maren Molthan freelances for various media east and west of the Atlantic and can be reached here:
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Our soul energy
Now it all seems to come together, even here, out in the boonies, like my friend Marge jokes about the quietude, peace and the feeling of being totally cut-off in this area - even if standard offers won't be more than barely half a loonie per kilowatt hour for electricity produced by solar panels and communities still waste their money in paying off the dept of monopolistic and outdated energy suppliers - at least the media are now reporting on successful renovation and restructuring of a former almost monopolistic energy market - you guessed it, I am - once more - going to refer to my country of origin (I swear, when I left that place, I would have lol just thinking on how many times I would point it out as a role model in terms of change - now that thought will amuse many of my old-world friends), Germany. The CBC has just started to poke around, and I recommend their articles as a very good outlook from a Canadian point of view.
If you wanted to feel the heat as it comes up, you gotta move closer, though - this is my #1 Canadian change blog, Clean Break, refreshingly down to earth and non-ideological. Good ideas, ready for the market or not, as well as clear words addressing the political dimension of this game, every day. Click now and you will know what house you want to build, even if you never felt that you wanted one at all.
In case the Canadian public manages to be outraged enough (which is pretty unlikely but possible if you get the Irish going in the right direction), the uranium drilling nonsense north west of Perth and the completely over-projected 30 new nukes for Ontario may just be a catalyst for a quicker and more consequent move towards renewables, like wind, solar and so forth. Nuclear is not an option any more, as it never has and will never be affordable by its way of eradicating our natural supply once and for all and having the taxpayer foot the bill for incompetence or worse, in case of so many political representatives, ignorance, who really could have avoided the mess and still can, for instance by updating the mining legislation and giving home owners control over their land - not just its surface (how schizophrenic can the law get, or was somebody on the board of, let me guess, a mining company?)
The purpose of nuclear energy never seems to have been an abundant supply for everybody, just for the powerful few, who, in Germany, invested all that tax free reserve money dedicated to the safe deposit of nuclear waste (which is now leaking into a salt stock end dump in Gorleben, established at the time by incredibly ignorant politicians against better knowledge expressed in numerous geological discussions and street fighting resistance of the entire republic) - we're talking billions here - in the creation of cell phone companies - It seems in that way, much rather to resemble fascism: The accumulation of money and power in order to control everybody else. Good thing, that people are not that complacent any more.
Call it personal vanity, but I thought I'd share something else with you guys. This is from the home page of my band. I wrote that passage about 18 month ago, and with this nuclear discussion going on, it seems so right to have a close look at how renewables are about to avalanche into transforming society in a dimension, that may just well up tears in any freedom fighter's eyes. Only now, my fellow Ontarians, is the time to SPEAK UP. You are so close to catching up to the real deal, don't let anybody burden you with this supply panic. You have watched the sun beat down on even the coldest, driest January day - THAT is the only reliable source of energy on earth.
How about attending this fall's vote in Ontario (agencies open with the 27th of August, more info is here and here) and actually voting for a more proportional voting system (is it dawning on you now, that there is the referendum vote in a addition to the provincial polls)? The alternate voting system favors a second count of all votes together, so that small parties like the green party, who never have won any direct mandate, could still work in a parliamentary coalition - you will not be surprised to have me refer to Germany one more time here: Because that is exactly the way, how these ideas, which now account for the outlook of Germany being entirely powered by renewables by 2040, got introduced into the working committees of the German democracy.... and trust me, that used to be one resilient, slow grinding apparatus over there.
Got your Mojo running? Have fun reading some more then.
Modern technologies have incorporated the energy-efficiency demonstrated by mother nature. Renewable energy beats the fossils (good word, ain't it? ;) ) in many ways. Now is the time to educate the skilled trades to apply these life saving technologies. WHY? The least perceived is probably the fact, that THEY ARE ALL MORE EFFICIENT than the oldsters. The most political is, however, that THEY DECENTRALIZE THE CREATION OF ENERGY.
Now that is some powerful stuff. And the powerful realize that. It is quite immanent in human nature to see them fight their grounds. We just have to see it for what it is (doesn't the entire-oil-coal-nuclear-lobbyists-and-oh-so- willing-political-counter-parts-complex look like a dying dragon-dinosaur, which refuses to follow the flow of an ever changing evolution without condemning anybody and anything that came after it to die with it?). After all those years, still, we can't get no satisfaction from the bull crap that you call life, when after all, it's your life and that of the other corporations that is sucked right out of us.
It's been right from the sixties on to stand up for a better world. Now we know that THAT will be the only way to SAVE THIS PLANET for future generations. Looking at it, there's one thing to note about this second generation of hippies:
WE STILL WANT THE WHOLE F...ING BAKERY!"Remember - I can't vote here. So many others can't either. You can. The right to vote is a privilege - exercise it!
Impossible disasters and nuclear plants
Here are some diary entries from two Greenpeace experts trying to measure radioactivity after the earthquake in Japan in July 07 - its intensity was declared impossible to occur by the plant operators.
Fun stuff!
This is a recent article on what is to do today to channel the nuclear renaissance into somewhat secure waters ...
Here is a very informative article on how bad the situation in Canada was in 1989 - and now, almost two decades later, it has not changed since radiation remains for thousands of years ...
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Open letter to Mr. D. McGuinty
Premier, Province of Ontario
Queens Park, Toronto
Dear Mr. McGuinty,
We, the Community Coalition Against Mining Uranium (CCAMU), are writing to request urgent action for the Ontario government to immediately stop uranium mining exploration and development in populated and environmentally sensitive areas of eastern Ontario.
A very large cross-section of eastern Ontario voters is extremely upset about the health and environmental hazards from uranium mining, which is considered a serious threat to current and future land use in our area. Thousands of eastern Ontario voters have already signed a petition.
A number of First Nations bands, who are upset about unwanted exploration on crown lands that are the subject of current land claims, have already taken physical action by blocking access by mining companies to their drilling sites. The local media has been covering this issue and, if it is not resolved quickly, it will soon explode onto the national scene this summer just before the October provincial election.
Following is a summary of the issues:
Over a hundred claims were staked by prospectors during 2005-2007 on about 30,000 acres of privately owned land and traditional territory of the Algonquin First Nations in the area east of Bon Echo provincial park and Crotch Lake, and near populated areas in North Frontenac and Lanark Highlands townships. Active exploration is currently in process, including ground and aerial surveys, road-building and initial excavation of drill sites. Drilling for core samples is scheduled to start in July-August 2007.
The Ontario Mining Act allows mining companies to conduct this prospecting and exploration activity without the knowledge or permission of property owners. There is also no requirement to notify or consult with the Crown when exploration takes place on unpatented Crown land. The exploration process itself can and has in the past done serious damage to property. The Ontario Mining Act allows excavation of thousands of tons of material in the exploration stage without environmental assessment and without a requirement to restore the land. The drilling process itself has risks … the planned depth of ~400 meters causes drill holes to become “wells”, which have to be filled to prevent upflow of contaminated water into the watershed. Drilling can also affect the stability of underground water aquifers that supply clean drinking water to wells in our area.
If exploration leads to an operational mine, ore is removed by strip-mining and shipped to a processing site, usually located as close as possible to the mine site. Uranium ore is crushed and leached using large quantities of water. The sludge or tailings, which still contains substantial quantities of radioactive material, are dumped into special tailings ponds. Reports in 1980 by the Ontario Environmental Assessment Board on Elliott Lake solved many of the problems, but cited significant residual risks in the area of long-term viability of these tailings ponds. More recently in 2003 and 2006, Cameco in northern Saskatchewan, which is the world’s largest uranium producer, suffered three major flood-related spills, in spite of new technologies in tailings pond management. In North Frontenac and Lanark, mining and processing of uranium ore is of special concern since a pond failure or accidental spill could cause toxins to flow into the Mississippi River watershed, thereby impacting tens of thousands of people in villages, towns and cities downstream, including the City of Ottawa.
There are hundreds of cases where mining companies have walked away from mines or processing facilities leaving a mess for the province to clean up. In December 2005, the Ontario Auditor General identified, out of 5400 abandoned mine sites in Ontario, at least 250 are “toxic waste dumps, leaching acidic, metals contaminated drainage into water-courses and aquifers”, and the AG strongly criticized the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines over their failure to protect the environment and Ontario taxpayers from the long-term impacts of mining.
In terms of documented health risks, the Ontario Workplace Safety and Insurance Act states: “primary cancers of the trachea, bronchus and lung among workers previously employed in uranium mining in Ontario are recognized as occupational diseases under the Workplace Safety & Insurance Act. They are both characteristic of uranium mining and result from exposure to ionizing radiation relating to the uranium mining industry”.
In relation to the government’s new Clean Air and Clean Water Act, we are concerned about the impact of potential uranium mining pollution on the water supply of hundreds of thousands of people in villages, towns and cities downstream on the Mississippi and Ottawa River systems. We do not want a repeat of Elliott Lake and other uranium mining disasters throughout the world. Airborne radioactive dust is carried by winds and will directly affect not only mine employees, but thousands of Ontario residents in Frontenac County, Lanark County, Tay Valleyand the City of Ottawa other area townships.
Farmers and rural businesses are very concerned about the effects of uranium mining on tourism, agriculture and other traditional rural businesses and land uses. Property owners have already suffered a negative impact on property values and in many cases have indefinitely delayed plans for property purchases or improvements at a substantial cost to local economies.
Nova Scotia has already enacted a province-wide moratorium on uranium mining due to serious health and environmental concerns and the poor environmental record of the mining companies. British Columbia is presently considering a similar moratorium. Nova Scotia’s moratorium was prompted by contamination from exploratory drilling.
The root of the problem is that the Ontario Mining Act is over 150 years old, and is long overdue for a major overhaul. Over the last few years, many proposals have been submitted to the Ministry of Northern Development and Mines (many at the request of the Ministry), but to date no substantive changes have been made to the Act. The unfairness of the current Mining Act and its extreme bias toward mining company rights over the rights of property owners and First Nations people is encouraging uranium mining exploration and development that is completely incompatible with current land use in our area.
We request that the Ontario government enact an immediate moratorium on uranium exploration, mining and processing in eastern Ontario and initiate a public review of Ontario’s Mining Act.
We would appreciate your support … please Email your position on our request for a moratorium to or mail it to J.D.Kittle, PO Box 1050, Snow Road, ON, K0H 2R0. Thank you.
Please note that this letter is being sent to the following recipients:
Federal: Prime Minister of Canada, Federal Minister Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Minister Natural Resources, Minister Environment, MP Lanark-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington, Liberal Leader, Liberal Environment Critic, Liberal Indian Affairs Critic, Liberal Natural Resources Critic, NDP Leader, NDP Northern Development/Natural Resources Deputy Critic (Energy), NDP Aboriginal Peoples’ Affairs/West Coast Fisheries/NDP Deputy Whip, NDP Environment and National Parks Critic, PQ Leader, PQ Environment Critic, PQ Natural Resources Critic, Green Party Leader
First Nations: Chief AFN, Chief Ardoch Algonquin First Nation, Chief Shabot Obaadjiwan Algonquin First Nation
Provincial: Premier Ontario, Minister MNDM, Minister of the Environment, Minister of Natural Resources and Minister for Aboriginal Affairs, MPP Hastings-Frontenac-Lennox and Addington, Minister of Energy, Leader PC, PC MNDM Critic, PC Environment Critic, Leader NDP, NDP Environment Critic, NDP MNDM Critic, MPP Liberal Ottawa West-Nepean, Ontario Environment Commissioner, Auditor General of Ontario
Municipal: Mayor North Frontenac, Mayor Central Frontenac, Mayor South Frontenac, Mayor Lanark Highlands, Mayor Carleton Place, Mayor Mississippi Mills, Mayor Perth, Reeve Tay Valley, Reeve Beckwith, Mayor Drummond, Warden Lanark County, Mayor Ottawa
Associations & Individuals:
Lanark Landowners Association, Mississippi Valley Conservation Authority, Ontario Federation of Hunters and Anglers, Ducks Unlimited, Land O’Lakes Tourist Association, Lanark County Tourist Association, Buckshot Lake Cottage Association, Dalhousie Lake Cottage Association, Bedford Mining Alert, Mining Watch Canada, International Institute of Concern for Public Health, CCNR. Executive Director and Counsel of the Canadian Environmental Law Association, Mississippi Valley Field Naturalists, Ontario Nature, Mississippi Lakes Association, Tom Jackson, Buffy Ste. Marie, Graham Greene
Monday, August 13, 2007
Nuclear Power: Exploding the Myths
reprinted from Encompass Magazine, March 2001
by Gordon Edwards
Nuclear power was once portrayed as peaceful, clean, safe, cheap and abundant. It was even described as miraculous. Disney's animated documentary film "Our Friend the Atom" promised that nuclear power could end world hunger, eliminate poverty, and bring about an unprecedented era of peace and prosperity. For decades, the Canadian Nuclear Association distributed a public-relations comic book which concluded with these words:
"The benefits of nuclear radiation that we know today are nothing when compared to what we may reasonably expect in the future.
"Food may be preserved in its original fresh condition for long periods of time. Nuclear-powered ships may ply the oceans; trains may cross continents many times on only a few ounces of nuclear fuel; power reactors may help open up remote areas such as Canada's North....
"In time it is possible that nuclear power may lead to temperature-controlled, germ-free cities, and a better life for all mankind."
Today the rhetoric is more muted, but nuclear power is still touted as a saviour of sorts: it will save us from global warming, help us eliminate nuclear weapons, meet the world's burgeoning energy needs. And Ottawa's nuclear decisions remain as inscrutable and unaccountable as ever.
So far, Ottawa has spent over 13 billion (in 1997 $) of taxpayers' money building dozens of nuclear facilities, paying thousands of salaries, creating entire towns to house workers, and spreading Canadian nuclear technology to India, Pakistan, Taiwan, Korea, Argentina, and Romania. Through all this, Ottawa never resorted to public consultation, parliamentary debate or any form of open democratic process. Public approval was taken for granted. It still is.
Jean Chrétien likes nuclear power. He doesn't mention it during election campaigns. It can't be found in the Liberal Party's red book of promises. But M. Chrétien uses his office to back the Canadian nuclear industry to the hilt:
* At a 1996 G-7 Meeting in Moscow, Chrétien stunned everyone by saying that Canada favours the idea of accepting tonnes of left-over plutonium from dismantled nuclear warheads, to be used as fuel in CANDU reactors. The official rationale? "Canada has to play a role in nuclear disarmament." Samples of weapons plutonium fuel from Russia and the US are now being tested in a reactor at Chalk River, Ontario. If the ambitious scheme goes ahead, Canadians will be responsible for all the high-level radioactive waste and residual plutonium in perpetuity; yet Ottawa has no plans for any form of public consultation on the fundamental policy questions -- just pro-forma environmental hearings on the little details.
* M. Chrétien is an indomitable nuclear salesman. Since the banks won't finance CANDU reactor sales, he ensures that the Treasury of Canada does. China was given one-and-a-half billion dollars of taxpayers' money for buying a CANDU reactor. It was the largest loan in Canadian history, yet there was no procedure to secure taxpayers' permission or parliamentary approval. Turkey was promised an equal amount if it would plant a CANDU in its earthquake-prone soil.
* M. Chrétien was reportedly furious to learn that Canadian law requires a complete environmental assessment for a publicly financed project like the Chinese CANDU. He and his cabinet ignored the law. The Sierra Club of Canada sued. Government lawyers refused to provide documents on technical and financial aspects of the project, saying they were not relevant, because no cabinet member had ever seen any of them. Apparently, the largest loan in Canadian history was based on nothing more than the say-so of Canada's nuclear industry. Ottawa is now trying to stop the court from obtaining copies of other assessments that China may have done on the CANDU project.
* This fall, Chrétien's cabinet launched a concerted effort to have Canada's overseas sales of nuclear reactors accepted by other G-7 countries as a respectable strategy for combating global warming. In fact, the Chrétien government had done nothing to fulfill its 1997 pledge at Kyoto to reduce carbon emissions in Canada by six percent. Instead of apologizing, Ottawa is now saying that Canada deserves greenhouse gas credits for reducing carbon emissions by selling reactors abroad.
Despite all this, the nuclear industry is moribund. Not a single power reactor has been ordered in North America for the last quarter-century, and there are no prospects at all. In western Europe nuclear expansion has also ground to a halt; Germany, Sweden and Switzerland are phasing out nuclear power, and France's aggressive nuclear program is at a standstill. Only in Eastern Europe and in parts of Asia are there any markets for nuclear reactors, and most of them require heroic financial incentives from the sellers.
I think the clearest indication that this industry will not survive is its dread of open debate, independent scrutiny, or public accountability. For over two decades, Atomic Energy of Canada Limited has had a policy of refusing to debate in public with knowledgeable critics. AECL frequently boycotts public meetings, as well as radio and TV shows where both sides of the issues might be adequately represented, in hopes that the events will be cancelled (which they frequently are). I like to think that such an industry cannot long endure.
Let us now turn to the main myths of nuclear power:
Myth 1. ''Atoms for Peace'' and ''Atoms for War'' have nothing in common.
Untrue. The Canadian nuclear program began as part of the World War II Atomic Bomb project. The first reactors at Chalk River were built, in part, to produce plutonium for bombs. Plutonium from Chalk River was used by the Americans, the British, and the Russians in their respective bomb programs. India's first atomic bomb, in 1974, used plutonium produced in a clone of the Canadian NRX reactor. Israel's Dimona reactor, which produces plutonium for that country's nuclear weapons, is also a close copy of the NRX reactor.
Every régime that has purchased a CANDU reactor has had military ambitions of a nuclear nature. India and Pakistan are obvious examples. Korea and Taiwan had clandestine atomic bomb development programs when they first purchased Canadian reactors. The generals in Argentina wanted to make Argentina the first nuclear weapons state in South America, and Ceaucescu in Romania had similar inclinations.
Plutonium is mass-produced inside nuclear reactors. It doesn't occur in nature -- but, once created, it lasts for thousands of years. Operating a nuclear reactor creates a permanent plutonium repository. At any time in the future -- thousands of years from now, or next year -- plutonium can be separated from the spent nuclear fuel and used to make atomic bombs.
Recent reports from US weapons authorities have confirmed that any kind of reactor-produced plutonium is good for making atomic bombs. Indeed, the US Academy of Sciences pointed out in a study in November that CANDU spent fuel can be more easily used by criminals or terrorists to get plutonium for bombs than can spent fuel from other types of nuclear power reactors.
The threat of nuclear warfare, increased by the spread of nuclear explosive materials worldwide, is at least as unsettling as the prospect of climate change.
Myth 2. Plutonium extracted from dismantled warheads can be destroyed by burning it as fuel in civilian reactors.
Untrue. Nuclear warheads are rendered useless when their plutonium cores are removed, but there is no method for destroying the plutonium. This constitutes a serious danger. What's to prevent the plutonium from being put back into the warheads, or stolen by criminals, terrorists, or agents of an aggressive régime, and re-fashioned into new nuclear bombs?
At present, all that can be done is to make the plutonium more difficult to access, and therefore less likely to be used in weapons. The method that is favoured by the peace movement is "immobilization". Plutonium is blended with highly radioactive liquid wastes -- there are millions of gallons left over from the weapons program. The mixture is then solidified into ceramic logs weighing two tonnes each. These radioactive logs are stored securely and guarded under international control.
Nuclear power proponents prefer a different method: the "MOX" option. Small amounts of plutonium are mixed with large amounts of uranium to produce a "mixed oxide" reactor fuel, abbreviated as "MOX". MOX fuel is used in a commercial power reactor to generate electricity, and the irradiated fuel is stored onsite.
But the plutonium is not eliminated. From half to two-thirds of the original amount remains in the spent MOX fuel, still weapons-usable, posing a perpetual security risk. MOX is up to seven times more expensive than regular uranium fuel -- even if the plutonium is free -- so there's no good economic justification either.
The MOX option is particularly dangerous because it packages plutonium as a commercial product instead of banning it as a dangerous material. Countries that have invested heavily in nuclear power -- Russia, France, India, Japan -- hope to use plutonium as the principal nuclear fuel of the future, ushering in a "plutonium economy". In this scenario, tonnes of plutonium will be circulating annually in the world's economy, and it will be easy for a criminal organization to acquire the few kilos needed for an atomic bomb.
Unlike the immobilization option, the MOX option runs the risk of stimulating a global traffic in plutonium that cannot be policed effectively. Plutonium gives off almost no penetrating radiation, even though it is extremely toxic when inhaled or ingested. Fresh MOX fuel is therefore easy to steal and smuggle across borders. A recent report from the US says that three men, working for two weeks with only modest resources, could extract enough plutonium from MOX fuel to make an atomic bomb.
Myth 3. Nuclear Power can significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Untrue. Nuclear power is too expensive to build and too slow to deploy, and does not address the bulk of energy needs which are non-electrical. Studies show that each dollar invested in energy efficiency saves from five to seven times as much carbon dioxide as a dollar spent on nuclear.
The Royal Society of Canada's 1993 COGGER Report ("Committee on Greenhouse Gas Emission Reductions") didn't even mention nuclear, which was near the bottom of the list of priorities. Energy efficiency was at the top.
It is true that nuclear reactors do not give off carbon dioxide. Neither does solar, wind, ocean thermal, wave power, micro-hydro, or most other renewable energy technologies. Bio-gas (biologically derived methane), though carbon-based, doesn't add to global warming because burning it recycles carbon that was recently extracted from the atmosphere, whereas burning fossil fuels releases carbon that was locked away millions of years ago.
Studies conducted in the aftermath of the first oil crisis showed that nuclear power has little or no role to play in a rational off-oil energy strategy. "Energy Future", the celebrated 1979 Report of the Harvard Business School Task Force on Energy, concludes that efficiency, coupled with judicious use of solar, is by far the most cost-effective strategy for achieving, swiftly and permanently, major reductions in primary energy use (and in greenhouse gas emissions, though the report didn't have global warming in mind.)
President Carter created the Solar Energy Research Institute (SERI) in 1979 and asked if the sun could satisfy 20 percent of US energy needs by the year 2000. The SERI report, "A New Prosperity", showed the goal was in fact easily achievable, but the key was implementing a thorough cost-effective energy efficiency strategy. With lower consumption levels, solar becomes affordable and effective.
In Canada, Friends of the Earth coordinated an ambitious energy analysis, published in 12 volumes by Environment Canada and EMR, entitled "2025: Soft Energy Futures for Canada". It concluded that Canada could, by 2025, support twice the population while using only half as much primary energy as was used in 1978, yet with three times the GNP. This would require no economic penalty, nor would it require curtailing energy use (much as that might be desirable). Due to efficiency gains, no increase in electrical facilities would be needed despite increased electrical use, and all nuclear plants could be retired.
Building an energy-efficient society goes a long way toward building an environmentally friendly and sustainable future. It is more work than just throwing money at energy megaprojects, but the benefits are enormous. It creates jobs throughout the economy, rather than focussing them in one industry. It sharply reduces our negative impact on the global environment. It makes communities more viable by keeping money in the local economy. It brings back hope in the future and sets a worthy benchmark for future generations and developing countries. The obstacles aren't technical or economic in nature, but political and social. It should be our first priority.
Myth 4. Nuclear Power is Clean and Safe.
Untrue. Canada has 200 million tons of radioactive wastes in the NWT, northern Saskatchewan and Ontario, from uranium mining activities. The Wall Street Journal described such waste as an "ecological and financial time bomb", and a Canadian environmental panel described one Saskatchewan site as potentially the most toxic waste dump in Canada.
Irradiated nuclear fuel remains toxic for millions of years. The nuclear industry estimates that a geologic repository will cost about 17 billion dollars. Money is now being put aside for the repository project, although a ten-year-long environmental review found unresolved safety and environmental concerns. For example, the radioactivity of the waste will heat up the bedrock, which won't return to original temperatures for more than 50 000 years. Could this "thermal pulse" jeopardize the integrity of the repository?
The Atomic Energy Control Board reported to the Treasury Board in 1989 that catastrophic accidents are possible in CANDU reactors, and that it is impossible to say with any assurance that CANDUs are safer or less safe than other types of reactors. A 1976 British Royal Commission on Nuclear Power and the Environment pointed out that bombing a nuclear reactor with conventional bombs would be as catastrophic as a severe nuclear accident. Large parts of Europe might be uninhabitable today, the report said, if nuclear power had been deployed in Europe before World War II.
It is important for people from across the country to insist that nuclear power be phased out in Canada and that no public money be used to finance any expansion of this industry. The Ottawa-based Campaign for Nuclear Phaseout coordinates such resistance to nuclear development:, (613) 789 3634,
And for more information on topics related to the nuclear industry, visit the web site of the Canadian Coalition for Nuclear Responsibility at
Note of the editor:
The Ontario Association of Power Producers is likewise a very good source of information and lobbies the federal government to commit to competition in the supply of energy.